28. NINDS/Division of Translational Research-Funded Drug Discovery and Development Programs
Central nervous system (CNS)-focused drug development efforts have been hampered by a high-rate failure in clinical trials. Consequently, a significant number of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are either eliminating their neuroscience activities or downsizing and investing less in the development of new therapies for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. In order to boost drug discovery and development activities in the CNS field, the division of translational research (DTR) within NINDS, and in concert with other NIH-institutes, launched a series of translational programs to boost neuroscience drug discovery and development efforts to mitigate the current pipeline gaps. These translational programs are milestones-driven cooperative agreements (The Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network; Biotechnology Products and Biologics; Small business programs, Therapeutic and diagnostic devices, Devices to Treat Pain); grants-driven (Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts; Biomarker Initiatives: Neurological Disorders and Pain, Therapeutics for Treating Chemical Injuries) or screening programs such as Epilepsy Therapy Screening Program and Preclinical Screening Platform for Pain. In this poster, we outline to neuroscientists in academia and industry the different NINDS/DTR-funding mechanisms and resources to support their drug discovery initiatives or ongoing preclinical and translational activities in the field of neuroscience.
Mohamed Hachicha
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health